nursery training

Welcome to training for the nursery! 

In the nursery, we have a chance to influence the lives of the babies that come into our care by caring for their needs at their age level such as:

  • Laying a foundation for spiritual growth
  • Helping them learn to be loved and trust
  • Making them feel safe
  • Provide a routine, comfortable environment, and a consistent schedule.

While we are practically providing a basic need for the parents who are in service, use this opportunity to pray for the child, that God will work in their life and in their family's lives. You never know... the child you are caring for could possibly be a missionary, preacher, or worship leader for the next generation!

In this section you will find training for: 

  • Adult to Baby Ratio
  • The Nursery Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures
  • Who to ask for help

what you need to know:

Adult to Baby Ratio

To ensure the safety and well-being of the babies, the volunteer to baby ratio should be 1 adult to every 2 babies, with some exceptions approved by the Service Coordinator or Pastor.

IF THE RATIOS HAVE BEEN MET and there are more families who would like to check babies into the nursery, the Coordinator should be contacted (via radio) to determine if more volunteers can be located.

ANOTHER OPTION is that the parent may stay in the nursery with his or her child.

what's important

The Nursery Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures has the most helpful information for the Nursery.

Please read this to understand our procedures.

While it may seem like a lot to remember, don't worry! As you help in the nursery, these procedures will seem a lot easier to follow.

In your first couple times of serving, we encourage asking questions. If you're not sure who to ask, check out the column to the right.  

who to ask for help

Every service has a coordinator that helps support all of our team. Call them using the radio for any help. Especially but not limited to:

  • Paging a parent for pickup
  • Assistance with more snack
  • Help checking in a new family
  • Bringing over supplies
  • Bringing more people in to help keep the adult-to-baby ratio at a safe number
  • Close a classroom
  • Etc.

They are here to help you and your class! Call for anything.


One of our priorities of Kids Ministry is to Partner with Parents. This means we strive to create an atmosphere where they know we're coming alongside them to help/encourage them to be godly parents. 

At the nursery age, this means partnering with them in two things: Loving their baby and knowing the parent.

  • Luke 6:31 - And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. 

    1 John 4:19 - We love Him because He first loved us.

    Below are ways to help love someone else's baby in a practical way:

    • Know the baby's name
    • Keep their nose clean
    • Pray for them
    • Play with them
    • Help them feel welcome and loved. 

    Crying policy is around 10 minutes and then the coordinator will text the parents.

    We do our best to console each child before calling a parent. Some of the ways are: 

    • Giving a snack

    • Offering a new toy 

    • Walking

  • Ephesians 4:32 – And be kind to one another, tenderhearted

    1 John 4:7 - Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

    Here are some practical ways to get to know the parents:

    • Know their names. Most important way to get to know parents. 
    • Ask where they're from. 
    • Do they know anyone else that attends church? 
    • Are they part of a small group?
    • Do they know about upcoming family events?
    • How many kids are in the family? (This will help you know if a parent is running late due to picking up another sibling)
    • Do they need help/prayer for anything? (You can direct their needs to the Kids Ministry staff. We have the resources and staff to meet the needs of our families.)
  • Parents want their kids safe and so do we. Below are ways to partner with parents in keeping their kids safe.

    • Know their baby's name
    • Know their parents name(s) and/or face(s)
    • Don't check-out a kid to someone who "forgot" their security tag whom you don't know.
    • Don't take photos of the kids nor allow someone else to take photos of the kids.