fruit of the spirit | preschool curriculum

Are you ready for some summer fun?

For June - August 1st we will be teaching the Preschoolers about the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT.

The Fruit of the Spirit is a lesson that should hopefully be applied by our lives first then to the kids.

A life full of the attributes of the fruit of the Spirit is a life that's proves we know God.

"You will know them by their fruit."


Below are recommended teachings of what it means to have the fruit of the Spirit in your life:

15 Minute Overview of the Fruit of the Spirit by Dr. J. Vernon McGee


new routine

While everything stays similar to the way it was done before (Check in/out), 

we will be passing on the responsibility of the songs and Bible lesson to someone else.

  • No more computer checking-in done inside the classrooms! The kids will simply be dropped off and you'll be handed a name tag sticker from their parents. 

    After being dropped off, the kids will have the chance to play with some opening activities such as:

    • Pretend play
    • Sensory play
    • Color pages
    • CHECK IN | Have one leader be in charge of check in by putting the name tags in your binder. *Note allergies
    • WELCOME | Playing with the kids, showing them activities they can do, and making them feel welcome.
    • RESTROOM | Asking if anyone needs to use the restroom BEFORE the playground time. 
  • We have such a NICE playground... so we plan on using it! The kids will have a chance to get their energy out before going upstairs for songs and the Bible lesson. 

    At the playground you can also expect a sensory play table that will match the lesson for that day.


    • Making sure all your kids make it to the playground.
    • Making sure all your kids make it out.
    • Have fun with them
    • SONGS | Time to take the pressure off of you in knowing new songs! We will have someone lead worship upstairs in our **previous 4th-5th grade classroom** while you help the kids enjoy the time and do some motions yourself. 
    • PUPPET HOST | Sounds fun right? Yes, it will be!
    • STORY |  The lesson will be taught different ways every week. Sometimes skits, puppets, books, or more! 
    • Making sure all your kids make it upstairs.
    • Ensuring the puppets don't get mugged by your classroom kids.
    • Making sure all your kids make it out and back downstairs.
    • Be engaged in the songs and story with your kids. 
  • After the upstairs songs and story, your class will walk downstairs back into their classroom. At their classroom they will:

    • ACTIVITY | Your class will either do a craft or retell game. 
    • SNACK | Goldfish anyone? Yum
    • VIDEO | Every week we will have a video for your class that matches the Bible lesson from that day.
    • CHECK-OUT | Time to say your goodbyes and send the kids home with any classroom materials. 
    • ACTIVITY | Lead a fun and engaging activity for the class.
    • CHECK OUT | Have the same person who did check-in for the kids do check-out. This will ensure safety for the parents and will help you get to recognize faces and names of parents/kids. Initial your name next to a child's name tag after they've been picked up.
    • SNACK | Have someone assigned to giving out snack. 
    • TECHNOLOGY/VIDEO | Have someone assigned to play the movie(s).

    June 6th | Love

    June 13th | Joy

    June 20th | Peace

    June 27th | Patience

    July 4th | Kindness

    July 11th | Goodness

    July 18th | Faithfulness

    July 25th | Gentleness

    August 1st | Self-Control

    9 Week Teaching Packet

Stage roles


Below you will find the playlist for the three songs we will be doing for all 9 weeks of our Fruit of the Spirit series. Some have motions, others don't. Please learn the motions to the songs so that you can lead the kids without looking at the screen.

Fruit of the Spirit Playlist


If you're interested in being part of the Teacher-Squirmy skit for the Fruit of the Spirit series, let us know! We have all 9 weeks ready to hand out to you! 


This is our most crucial role for the week. There is a very huge responsibility in teaching the Bible to little ones. If you're interested in teaching all of the kids from the stage let us know. This is not a role for beginners. It is handed out to our most seasoned leaders.